Monday, May 9, 2011

Dance with the one who brung you

Open letter to the Leadership of the Republican Party in general and 
Speaker of the House John Boehner in particular.

I thought it would be a good idea to remind the leadership of the Republican Party of some facts that they seem to be ignoring.

1. The Federal Government is bankrupt and you just "compromised" an agreement with 
the democrats to increase deficit spending and federal debt in the 2011 budget. 

2. Speaker Boehner is "Speaker of the House" and not "minority leader" because angry 
voters decided to throw out the "tax and spend" democrats and replace them with 
republican candidates in the 2010 mid-term elections. These candidates promised to cut deficit spending and fight the growth of big government.

3. When the democrats had a veto-proof majority in both houses of congress, did they 
work for "compromise"? No, they crammed Obamacare down our throats and made 
incredible comments like,"you'll have to pass the bill to know what's in it."  Now when they've lost the house they are crying  for "compromise".  If Republicans fall for that crap you won't have to worry about losing your seat in the 2012 elections, because the folks who gave you a majority in the House last year will be looking to replace you in the primaries next year. You'll never make it to the general election. 

We recognize the both parties bear responsibility for the unsustainable size of the Federal Government and we're hoping this congress will be the one to stand up and say "no more". Refusing to raise the debt ceiling will not result in causing grandma to eat cat food, as the democrats claim. What it will do is to put a leash on the government bureaucrats and force them to reduce the size and scope of government because the public's credit line is maxed out and we don't want to raise the credit limit.

We are not going to "spend" our way out of this economic situation. We're headed for an 
inflationary "train wreck" and we the people are just hoping the folks we elected last year 
will find the courage to grab ahold of the brake and pull it back hard. The prices of food 
and energy are high and getting higher, in large part because of the unrestrained printing 
of new money in a way that has created currency crises in other countries in the past and poses a real threat to repeat it right here in the U.S. in the not-too-distant future.

We are asking you all to exercise some common sense and not fall for the lies and scare 
tactics about not raising the debt limit and do something for the good of the country for a 
change and vote instead "NOT TO RAISE THE DEBT LIMIT". There's a whole lot of 
government that could be cut and we love to see you all do your jobs and cut some of it. 

And while you're at it, you might re-read the constitution and work to reassert your authority over government spending and authorizing foreign military action by means of the Declaration of War.  

We also feel that serving in Congress is a duty and a privilege, but not meant to be a lifelong
career. Some respectable term limits would contribute to improved government because 
then we might have more statesmen, serving and then going home, rather than the 
lifelong political parasites we have now, who vote their own interests in order to get re-
elected, rather than voting for the good of the country as a whole. 

You got us in this mess, so we're asking you to do the right thing right now to start getting 
us out, or we'll get you out and put in somebody who listens to their constituents and 
works for the good of the country. We're not asking for compromise, we want backbone 
and lots of it. Stop the spending, now. We're broke.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Could the Fed go Broke?

Could the Fed Go Broke?  The Federal Reserve is currently holding toxic paper purchased to bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, long-term government bonds, securitized mortgages, etc. Would a 1% increase in the interest rate cause the Fed to become technically bankrupt? A good CNBC interview with former FED member.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Total Eclipse of the Economy-The Collapse of Socialism

Martin (Hurricane) Armstrong languishes is Federal Prison where he publishes his hand-typed Armstrong Economics reports. His latest, "The Total Eclipse of the Economy"  is a must read. Armstrong pulls no punches as he targets the New York banks, the SEC and the government for the current economic crisis. He describes the event we are enduring as the "Collapse of Socialism".

Monday, January 3, 2011

Kickin' the Can Down the Road

The incoming Congress has an unprecedented opportunity to reassert it's constutional authority to control government spending and fulfill campaign promises to reduce the size and scope of the federal beaurocracy. As the date to extend the federal debt ceiling approaches,  people will start getting nervous when faced with the possibility of a debt default. This debt default is, in my opinion, 99.9% inevitable.  The question is not really IF, but rather WHEN? We're borrowing $4 billion a day to pay the interest on our current debt and faced with the choice of defaulting on our debt or kicking the debt can down the road by continuing to borrow more and more, you know it's the taxpayer's can that is going to get kicked time and time again.

My suggestion to the newly arriving members of the House would be to raise the debt limit only enough to give our drowning government a gasp of air while demanding concessions of significant reductions in the federal spending and beaurocracy. In the first two years of the Obama administration I don't recall a budget ever being passed and that is a prime responsibility of the House of Representatives. The federal government has played fast and loose with the constitution for far too long and this country cannot keep kicking the can down the road forever. There are no easy choices and no pleasant results for the situation this government has put the people in and I think it only fair that the government pay the price for trampling on the liberties and freedoms of its citizens. We have hundreds of military bases around the world and spend over $1 trillion a year imposing our influence in places where we have no constitutional right to be. Our government continues to try to tell us how to live and now apparently want to tell us how and when to die. I would prefer to reserve those rights for the individual as well as countless other liberties that are being threatened.

If this country is going to be saved from economic ruin, it will not be saved by the federal government, but by the people who granted the government the right to exist in the first place. If we must kick that can down the road in the future, let's not kick it so hard or so far, and pray that our Congress will reassert it's constitutional authority to control government spending by demanding concessions for every debt limit increase granted to the executive branch. Socialism doesn't work and the time has come to revive the American spirit of free markets and liberty for American citizens and get the government off our backs in limited to it's constitutionally-defined purpose.

Please refer to the constitution on my website for the duties and obligations of congress.